Tracy Bannon

It's the humans that matter...

Discovering Grace Hopper: An Overdue Epiphany

I've dedicated my career to technology and to software architecture in specific. Why, then, did I only learn about Grace Hopper as I entreed another decade into my career??

This Reference Architecture is No Good --> What is an RA?

A software reference architecture is a common abstraction or standardization of design that can be reused. Abstraction is the key and it serves as a guide for designing and building software systems in a particular domain.

Podcast Series:It's 505!

I am proud to be a contrbuting journalist and podcaster for It’s 5:05. This briefing airs daily at 5:05 ET US focused on Open Source and Cybersecurity News. You can check out all my contributions below. Also head over to It’s 505 Updates Website and subscribe! Loading…

Low Code/No Code in your ecosystem? Let's show um some love!

LC/NC platforms have a place in the enterprise but what is their real value? The platforms differ by audience and degree of extensibility. There are architectural tradeoffs to consider as well as a set of gotchas.

daBOM - The connection between Generative AI, LLM and SBOMs

DJ Schleen invited me to be a guest on daBOM where we discussed software architecture, generative AI, Large Language Models, and SBOMS. It was a insightful and cleaver conversation.